

A mad man with a pen! Loves to draw anywhere and everywhere! Comic Artist mostly. Also does youtube videos too.…

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A warm down image to end the day with. Its my DnD character I hope you guys like it!

2 60

done the lets draw

9 95

I didn't update kahblamo! today sooooo I did a little splash page for it instead. Also I am working on a bijillion pages for it so its gonna be awesome.

1 44

new found inspiration for my little island I have spent a few years working on and fixing here there but its finally coming together! YAY

3 71

I couldn't sleep sooooo PICTURES!

5 156

seeing as i have no drawing pen for my tablet I am forced to draw with a mouse T-T

0 59

I think I went too far I did a sketch first and it ended up being something more... I have a problem.

6 116

I didnt mean to it just blurted out.

0 39

Not sure how this happened but sure UNiCOMICETTE or UNiCHANETTE you pick a kewl named...#Bowsette fun doodle and sketch with clip studio!

14 104

Working on a new character model for practise!

1 77