

Just a loud obnoxious Australian who plays games, listens to music, watches Anime & does pretty much nothing with his life. Profile art done by @ikuraisora

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:1541

I don't even know what to say about this one to be honest.

1 6

New profile picture.

4 61

Well I still can't find my glasses and I couldn't be arsed to go put my hat on, so you're gonna get a hatless and glessesless Selfdog today.

1 27

Eyes were discovered in 1121? What the fuck? I'm pretty sure that they would've been discovered LONG before that, like since the beginning of humans, but then again fucked if I know.

1 8

I just find this funny.

9 45

What is this madness?

6 22

Am I? Am I really cute? Do you really think so? Can you really look at all these pictures of me and think "Damn Selfdog is looking pretty cute."? Can you? Can you really?

1 4

I can say with 100% certainty that this is pretty accurate. Especially that last one.

5 53