

Ich heiße Uffe. Ich arbeite derzeit an einem inoffiziellen Telespiel Musik zu Metroid 6. Metroid-Musik-Aficionado.

フォロー数:360 フォロワー数:430

It's just a head shot, so I'd understand if you wouldn't bother with it. Still, here you go.

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Will you be doing this silly pose justice, ? It's interesting that Samus' visor was green and the metal plating under her boots were gold colored.

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Totally off topic, but I noticed something with the image you posted. The guy's name is Hugo, and his first word here is "Strange". Hugo Strange.

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This is really neat! It's also cozy. I want to lie in that bed.

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I've never heard of that before. But I did look into it, and even though I don't have what you have, I can somewhat relate. :C Finding the right food options is annoying.

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Where's the milk, Brewster?! 😠

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Gute Nacht, schlaf gut und träum süß!

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