UV: Binaural Bleats @ EFさんのプロフィール画像

UV: Binaural Bleats @ EFさんのイラストまとめ

Goat Geek | Axolotl Adoring | Doom Dork | nb/she/they | Queer | Baphomet is Bae! | Tweets Bugs
▼Patreon▼ patreon.com/ultraviolet

フォロー数:1362 フォロワー数:4768

Ooops,... I fell and dumb leech art happened!
Entirely the fault of bugchat! 😇🪱

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I guess I am a part of the
Hello, I'm Ultraviolet! I'm an illustrator with a love of drawing anthropomorphic critters, nature, and working both traditionally and digitally. I also really dig horror, dark, goth and solarpunk themes! <3

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This is so silly, I love it! Here are some of my characters baring their !

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Have a sneaky peek at some fanart I did of my fave skull-beastie, Bastille the Butler! <33


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I've not been posting all the work I've been busy with lately! Lets start fixing that with Jewel's first nude pin-up! :3 Dragons and flower garlands are an aesthetic, okay? <33


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"Hey there? Wanna Ride?"

Finally, some plump birbutt for you all C:

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Twitter's making me unreasonably angry tonight x3 I'm going to go back to only occasionally posting & never ever reading my timeline. I keep hoping to find nice art or cute/fun stuff, but have to wade through a million bad takes & people shitting on eachother. Not worth it! XD

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Thank you! <3



Sadly my etsy is closed because of the Lockdown in Austria, but can be found here when they reopen postal services:


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So I might be working on some certain bird knight booty for

Woops, I slipped and R34ed. <.<

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Based on the pic of babees, I just had to draw one in a little flower & honey comb cradle. XD

Like this image? Please consider backing me at:

Dont like Patreon? Send me a Kofi: https://t.co/CH0UD0fx8H
and still get a high res of this image! :3

17 117