//=time() ?>
“ What?! No! Don’t call XX over here! Wait, come back here Avenger. That’s my space ship not yours!! This isn’t how this was suppose to turn out!! “ https://t.co/4yEuS16Cey
“ E-Eh?! I was caught?! Master, release me at once. If we’re quick, we could catch Avenger and you could pamper her with your affections! “
Z wouldn’t struggle but would try to pull her towards the escaping Avenger https://t.co/8NDA5TfeLV
“ Why must you always involve me in your shenanigans with Master? Avenger, no matter how far you try to run or sacrifice me, her command seals will restrain you! “
Takes a moment to realize what happened
“ H-Hey! Wait a minute! Did you just sacrifice me to Taōki, you traitor! “ https://t.co/Xod6ihL4bn
“ Right, then I mustn’t stand idle. Let’s go slash some sabers, Okita! “
Z would grab Okita’s wrist and pull her along with her
“ You’ll be the supporting character in this adventure! “ https://t.co/nyDGGHsXP5
“ A hug?! No way! Why would I— er... Nng...!! Y-Yes, please... a hug is lovely, no? “
Is trying to hold back as much as she can, shaking in restraint efforts https://t.co/pr45eutGwa
@Kopagaku “ I assumed that— E-Eh?! Already?! F-Fine then! I will see you around. “
Swiping her hand to the side, she would toss a smoke bomb and escape out of the window as usual.
@Kopagaku The swift deflection would result in Z’s blade flying out of her hand and disappearing before hitting anything.
“ Gwah—-!! “
Seeing as her efforts were becoming pointless, she would simply fall to the floor and lay down, pouting.
@Kopagaku “ E-Eh?! Can’t you hear me waving at you?! Hello?! Youmu?! ... that’s it. I’ve been nice but it’s time I slice you in half. “
Her blade unsheathed, she would dashed towards her and jump before attempting to pierce her shoulder with a slash.
“ Seiba!!! “
@Kopagaku “ Youmu! Hey! Youmu! “
Tosses a book at the back of her head