

German Indie game studio! @sabbi_tabbi (Artist) @bjoernMeansBear (Musician) @ChrisScheidig (Programmer) @schottidev

Right now working furiously on #skellboy!

フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:935

Don't forget, last day for the has started! You can still play a lot of beautiful and charming demos at so check it out!

And yeah, demo is one of them!

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The just started!!

You can now play the demo on steam! We will also feature a livestream tomorrow and an AMA on saturday!

Wishlist if you like the game!

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What would be a game without Achievements*?! With releasing on (TBA) you will get some new crazy challenges that way!

*Also available on (TBA) !

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While exploring the Cubold Kingdom you may have met one or another guest character that was sent to us to help us make more lively and more diverse. Some are creepy, some cute, some sweet, some spicy. But they all share the wonderful community behind it. Thank you!

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If you wanna talk with us about the game or whatever is on your mind, you can visit us on our discord server as well!

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