

Blender 3D Artist, and avid Bayonetta fan.
@Cabooseyy 💙 & Cereza ❤️

フォロー数:812 フォロワー数:676

I'm one of the true fans with a slight lean for the first game.

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Honestly, I equally love both costumes she had in both of her games. But if I had to choose one of them, I would say the first one. The colors of pure black mixed with hints of red and gold just made it stand out more. But again; both outfits are great in their way own way.

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Steam is currently having a Sega Publisher Weekend, and I saw a certain someone. A certain someone with a game that is on sale for 5 DOLLARS. This is a steal for this honestly perfect game. I swear, everyone needs to play Bayonetta. If you haven't, you're missing out.

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Let me correct you real quick.

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Now this is a top tier tweet.

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