

Hi! My name is Adam and I love making fantasy art!


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The short story is: A sketch that was too big for me back then had to wait for my skills to improve to make it right. It was waiting for me for over a year! But we've made it! I want you to see some behind the scenes below how it came to be.

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Hey Everyone, here is the Genesis NFT
I'm super excited to share with you this piece since it has a special place in my heart. My "breakthrough". My love and appreciation for Norse Mythology. To make it took me only.. about a year.

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As our hero leaves Myrkvidr behind a glimmer of hope is born.

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It would be a dream come true!

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Myrkvidr is home to forgotten creatures and dark magic users. Dwellers of Black Forest, corrupted by Darkness, perform ancient rituals and bloody sacrifices for power and knowledge.

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Journey begins! An epic adventure we begin in Midgard! Realm inhabited by men and legends.

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