

Dragon drawing more dragons and other critters 🐊 they/he 🐊 28 🐊 header by @dragonfurart 🐊

フォロー数:1602 フォロワー数:3245

Lift ur lancer

More backlog, started a lil thing since every time I like a new fate character I keep saying I pick them up, so zan’s gonna have quite a few servants to try lifting

4 11

Sketch commission for !!

34 134

Patreon piece for !! More Fate stuff, always love drawing intense expressions aaa

9 38

First attack! For ! Did this between comms and kind of a sit out week, it was a fun challenge

20 73

Some stuff of zan from last month! Been playin with ideas for their magic abilities lately and some in world stuff.

52 170

Last month I spent a bit trying to get an anthro version of Sesshomaru’s big demon dog form down, still not super feelin it since i was tryin to stay on model but gettin there

11 62