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フォロー数:693 フォロワー数:23

Happy birthday !! I just want to say that you are an amazing person and I wish you the best in the world, and have a great birthday!!🎉🎉

10 114

I fucking LOVED 91 days, and yes, the opening is REALLY good!

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Just having fun doing some pixel art for a person that makes my days a little bit more enjoyable every time I saw her.

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Happy Birthday hope you have a great and beautiful day. I made this little pixel art as a gift for you. Let's all celebrate and enjoy this day!!!

5 89

Continuing my journey into pixel art, I decided to do something special for a little and cute wolf called I discovered her two days ago, and she already steal my heart. Hope you like it.

4 36

Some pixel art for our sleepy bunny. I'm new doing pixel art, so it's gonna make me really happy is you like it.

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She's HOT omg!! An excelent work.

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