

| Comish open dm for info | ko-fi.com/unfamousradish | discord.gg/WxtJYUA5kb I open.spotify.com/artist/01HNQw5…

フォロー数:638 フォロワー数:37776

when you got the same en va but you chill

604 4085

also i never noticed this, i have no idea when i got over 100 listeners!!! but im so fkfosfmskffsfdf!!!
I have something small im cooking for the season :3

2 148

what you looking so full for

398 3445

my bad i almost forgot but i added it, dont know if its good enough fnsdjkslfdsfsdf

12 184

old stuff but I never posted these character designs here, figured now would be a good time

22 271

thousand yard huo

2141 18440

no one will guess who these characters were inspired by

24 392