

art account WITH FREE TIME BABEYYYY | forever bearing a tragic, painful curse (multifandom artist)

フォロー数:1241 フォロワー数:835

tw// smoking and stab

omg heyyyyyyyyyyy

0 7

i dont have a sona sheet LMAOO the hair is the first pic but the second is the rest of her outfit

0 3

heyyyyy follow too sorry i dont have any other moots in mind ajdbdnndnd

6 15


confined in a cloud (wrote a poem??? check thread)

515 5737


*leans on table* heyyyyy- *slips* FUCK

3 15

i shall willingly take this opportunity then to advertise my art then

2 8

why u should follow me /hj

8 32

heyyyyyy ahahaha i made the piss presentation and i do art

1 11

hello babes

((c!tommy angst in the 2nd pic))

im unihead i make digital art and im planning on 3 animation projects follow me im trying to get to 1k by the end of the year PLEASE LOVE ME AND BE HEAD OVER HEELS FOR ME PLEASEUWU

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