

Artist, draw alot of DnD, TTRPG and commissions. Find me on tumblr as @unnaturaldecay

フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:1213

tfw my DM is a hater, he thinks humans are so useless and hates them so much he even suggested to buff it a little. even against my haters i keep winning

1 8

cоmmissiоn 😳

6 59

a couple of cоmms

6 29

Misty, aka mystery gem. Who is she...

9 34

hey it's dangerous to go alone, take this:

5 38

ah yes, cats and watermelons, well known and loved combo

16 59

I actually have 2 Iolites but she's from another story

3 19

i'm gonna draw a full picture one day i promise, but u can check commissioned art i have. tho don't feel like it represents her quite perfectly (too pretty lmao shes like a slenderman or smth) (it was a custom redesign, i'm happy with it overall tho... anyways)

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