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The Japan you don’t learn about in anime. News, travel, culture, and history. Staff account. | Join our community: discord.gg/uPwBhuBCwQ

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Manga creator Matsumoto Leiji, among the most legendary figures in Japanese media, has passed away at the age of 85. Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, and Queen Emeraldas are just a few of his creations.

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Suzume director Shinkai Makoto gave a frank and intriguing interview with the Hollywood Reporter in anticipation of the film's Intl. premier at the Berlin Film Festival on Feb. 23rd - discussing the film's themes of the depopulation and emptying out of the Japanese countryside.

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Perhaps a day late and ¥100 short, but there's some interesting issues surrounding Valentines Day in Japan. Over here, it's not quite the mutual romantic/material bonanza it is elsewhere - and for many women, it tends to be more of a completely unromantic chore.

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Shinkai Makoto's hit new film, Zuzume no Tojimari, will have its official international premier at the Berlin International Film Festival between February 16th and 26th. 1st anime featured at the fest since Ghibli's beloved Spirited Away took home the coveted Golden Bear in 2002.

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Another word for one’s mom, though perhaps a bit old-fashioned, is お袋 (ofukuro), literally “honorable bag.” It’s the motherly equivalent of oyaji. It debuted in the Muromachi Period, when it was mostly used by daughters when talking to their mothers. Today, sons mainly use it.

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During the Edo period, the hyakki yagyou found a new home in an oral storytelling game known as hyaku monogatari (百物語). People gathered at night, lit one hundred candles, and took turns telling ghost stories. After finishing a story, they extinguished one candle.

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A Japanese Twitter user confessed to the world that his wife had found out he was an otaku. Unfortunately for the user, his otaku-ness looked all the world to his wife like he was having an affair with another woman.

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In the 2022 version of the WEF’s Gender Global Gender Gap Report, Japan ranked 116th out of the 146 countries surveyed. In particular, the report called out Japan as one of 32 surveyed countries that continued to place post-divorce restrictions on women but not men.

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