

He/Him, Masters in Chemistry, maker of the Absolute Nightmare series: youtube.com/c/upisnotjump

📩 [email protected]

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:51592

Imagine playing Metroid Prime for the very first time on the Switch

It's like discovering sliced bread, but with a 20 hour story mode, great music, background storytelling, boss battles, puzzles, open ended exploration, power-ups, 2 perfect sequels

OH GOD that is good bread

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New video tonight!! At 10pm BST

It is the remake of my original Fallout 3 video.

Premiere will start at 9.30 BST!

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Just adding more Emojis to Twitch as I am finally a


*pause for effect*

And was just thinking what an amazing job really did when making these. I really love them.

7 333

Tired of the hot weather and it's constant reminder of our impending demise?

Join me in my hatred for the sun with this new T-shirt or pin. Based on that weird rocket suit I wore once


Design by

12 179

I'm gonna stream some Elite Dangerous in 5 mins, join me cursing at the sun with my new emoji, Sid is also here


I'll still be streaming Fallout 3 at about 6.30pm UK time tonight :D

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