

Lizzy | It/Its | Minor | NSFW DNI | i dont use this really anymore lol check pinned for my active socials

フォロー数:381 フォロワー数:96

icon trade for @/goodby3exile !!

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i committed a crime and stole this anyways hello

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shes so baby and i love her and i will gently cradle her in my hands

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lizzy dont forget to post art youve done challenge (oc belongs to @/goodby3exile

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look at it. look at how they MASSACRED my boy shroomish. they took shroomish's perfection, god-like capabilities, and holy aura and turned it into THIS. THIS UGLY MONSTER. i hate breloom. (this is all /j. except for the loving shroomish part. shroomish supremacy.)

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hello!! heres some of my recent drawings!! the images go in order from newest to oldest :D (OC in final image owned by @/LazzyTheLapis !!)

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call him a girl and i will cry /hj
(seriously though he is a man sob)

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hehe *updates my ocs design* :))

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hot. what? she has fire powers. im not calling her hot in a "I'm attracted to her" manner. she is literally hot. her natural body temperature is higher then ours.

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