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Painings By Enigmatic René Magritte, As A Pazzle To Solve The Mystery

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On a day like today, in 1898 was born René François Ghislain Magritte, a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for creating a number of witty and thought-provoking images.

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On a day like today, in 1793 was born Francis Danby ARA, an Irish painter of the Romantic era. He initially developed his imaginative style while he was the central figure in a group of artists who have come to be known as the Bristol School.

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Love in fantasy is much better than love in reality. Never making love is delicious. The most exciting attraction is formed between two opposites, which never come closer.
Andy Warhol

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An Astonishingly Small Stone Carving That Has the Power to Change Art History…/an-astonishingly-small-stone-carvi…

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Christian Vieler from Waltrop, Germany takes hilarious photos of dogs trying to catch food. The photographer aims to capture the many faces of doggies depicting such emotions as excitement, sadness or confusion.

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On a day like today, in 1862 was born Giorgi "Gigo" Ivanes dze Gabashvili, was a Georgian painter and educator. One of the earliest Georgian representatives of the Realist School, his work is known for covering a wide range of subjects

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Edmund Dulac, one of the largest French illustrators of the early 20th century

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