

20↑ なんでも食べる雑食腐 基本的推しが右固定になりがち ONE PIECE、ハリポタにハマり中 気ままに絵を描く垢。BLNLGL何でもオケ垢。無断転載絶許鬼怒丸(アイコンはキングアーサーのガラハッド)1990.8.1生誕

フォロー数:682 フォロワー数:39

Happy birthday!!!!
I’m so proud of you.
I will continue to support you as a fan.
I’m so glad !
You’re too good to be true!

I'm sorry for my bad English.
But I hope this feeling will reach you.
I'll say it again. Congratulations!!!

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