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but not leaving out my animated black girls in fairytale content!

77 864

happy international women’s day!

89 347

mariah carey’s appearance on the proud family, 2003.

145 1182

black r&b girls as disney princesses. we love to see it!

1606 8541

disney girls that aren’t officially a part of the disney princess lineup, but they’re still the BEST animated female characters!

265 1625

the spin-off lines. it wasn’t just bratz, it was bratz babyz, lil’ bratz and bratz kidz. they gave us bratz of ALL ages! it was INSANE!

18 232

the music. when i say bratz gave us BOPS! those soundtracks went tf off and I still find myself listening to them in my playlists today. they weren’t playing when they gave us these.

42 413

stream totally spies. the show still holds up in my opinion and they raised a generation. 💋🍃🦋💟

131 2890

everyone tuned into this show! it wasn’t just for girls, boys were watching as well. they were kicking ass and being badass spies! love that for them. the action scenes were ON-POINT!

166 3552