

Posting official and concept art of games, animation, books & more. DMs open to send us OFFICIAL ART to post. DMs asking for requests/comissions = blocked

フォロー数:63 フォロワー数:27477

Sho Murata & Jumpei Yamashita - Super Mario Odyssey

43 170

Alex Garner - Legion of Super-Heroes

13 57

Shigekatsu Ihara - Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

15 75

Shinobu Ohtaka - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

36 110

Billy Christian - Hex: Shards of Fate

6 74

Francesco Mattina - Spawn

20 95

Akim Kaliberda - Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah

16 62

Eisuke Ogura - Art of Fighting

114 320

Atsuko Fukushima - PoPoLoCrois Monogatari

35 177