

We're camomiles in VietNam, who belong to KIM YOUNG WOON - Always support for KANGIN

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:5527

[TRANS] :It's been a long time since I did recording, and the whole day I had worked hard.C:13elieveSG

11 7

151002 Kangin at INC 2 cr:金小朵_DUO

22 10

150906 Harazuk naver blog update Kangin , chunhyang

92 37

150909 Kangin at INC 2 cr:aaaying_

20 5

150908 Leeteuk , Kangin at '2015 Lotte Travel Market China' cr: 思密达周

28 9

[TRANS] 150814 : It's been a long time since I was the (cont) cr:13elieveSG

10 3

[TRANS]150807 On the way to Music Bank~ It feels really refreshing when I wake up early ㅎc:13elieveSG

6 2

150804 Kangin at KTR cr: wookwookwookie

100 30

[HD SCAN] Super Junior Special Album ‘Devil’ - Kangin 2 cr:CI_CA最近很疯癫

38 23

150712 SS6EncoreDay2 Kangin 2 cr:我云云_念此刻的他們

21 6