

•Emissary of Death•
@AQW_Captive 's member.

フォロー数:377 フォロワー数:862

Ehehe, i love trees

2 13

So i was watching drawing tutorial.
And ended up drawing this XD

Via ibis paint XD using finger only :D

3 15

Congratulations for winning my art raffle.
Hope you like it ☺️ Enjoy.

Thanks everyone for joining my raffle ☺️
See you on the next art raffle 😁

4 18

Congrats for being one of two winners of my raffle.

Hope you like it!
And enjoy 🤗

Will post the other winner soon or later 😀

5 30

Was drawing tree and stuffs, but well .. 😂

5 28

Camping in the wild while its frostval :)

Happy Birthday!!

0 9

😆 got nothing to do.

So i drew this chibi last night

1 9

Wanna some cool members from captive?
here they are :D
the top 3 (+1)

Elite Circle Captive

3 25

Why is this new bonus package looks so AMAZING!!!
Great work
Thanks for releasing this :)

1 27