

32 yo; Multifandom artist, but mostly Hellaverse and videogames.
To read my stories better go to my pixiv.
Twitter is for early access. 😉…

フォロー数:411 フォロワー数:4969

'Karma: Teaser' part 3/3

The last page sais it all. I hope you liked it, I sure did. ^u^
It was fun (and a bit overwhelming, I must admit) to draw most of these chars for the 1st time.
Love you all! ❤️

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'Comfortable lie' Ch 8 (Valentine's day Esp): Fears (part 5)

🎶 Long ago it came to me
and ever since that day,
infected by its rage
but it ends today. 🎶

End of chapter. ☺️

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Sneak peek day!
It's always the same. Even though I have everything planned, suddenly, a new cool idea pops up and I have to add a pg or an extra to the chp. This time it's just 1 pg (Phew. XD).
I'm not particularily happy with the color here, but I think it'll look good enough.

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I needed to draw something and I didn't feel like continuing any of the super cool stories you're all waiting for, so have this shitty, sketchy Adamon page (didn't even bother to use references). Good night. 😅

P.D.- Pls, don't ask for more. I'm seeing you coming. 😤

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'Comfortable lie' Ch 8 (Valentine's day Esp): Fears (part 4)

🎶Hold down your head now,
just let me pass by.
Don't feed my fear
if you don't want it out. 🎶

Did u really think I'd give u such an ordinary conclusion?😌

PD.- Fuck my scanner.

31 489

My comics are my favorite among the favorite art I've drawn of the Hellaverse and any other fandom. ☺️

18 253

I know I said it was going to be the worst scenario, but I can't help myself, I love good endings.
I hope it doesn't feel too rushed though, since I improvised it, I didn't take much time to think about the pace.

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Uhm... Okay, I'm improvising and I think this would have from 2-4 more pages. 😅
I want you to know this is all your fault! You and your sweet comments are delaying the production of 'Comfortable lie', I hope you're happy.

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