

Now a vtuber supporter ,so feel free to tag me if you need a retweet alright? hoping to spread smiles around for miles and inspire hope in people.

フォロー数:2485 フォロワー数:1374

Been taking time for mental health to recharge . Ive been going into overdrive for months ,40 streams last month was too much. Ive kept working towards my dream of wanting to inspire people and hit 1000 so long it just feels weird not doing anything.

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Holy freaking shit i am exhausted. managed to be a therapist for 7 people in one day and ive been at it for 9 hours. i am going to pass out, and pass out hard. good night everyone.

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Monday: Pizza tower
Tuesday: PokeMMO with
Wednesday: Tf2 with and
Thursday: Disgaea 1 with
Friday: Yakuza 0 with Maepl
Saturday: Pokemon Ultra moon Friendlocke
Sunday: Miitopia celebration . double streams coming too!

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its time for more resident evil 4 with my pals and ! can we survive the horrifying village and rescue the presidents daughter? link below!

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its time for more Elden ring with my good pal ! join me in this tough as nails game as a maidenless dumb glitch dies again and again and again for your entertainment! links below!

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good mornin friends! dont forget that you are amazing and special the way you are. so many things had happen just right to create our world. you are made of the stars themselves and you being here is a miracle and a treat. dont forget that.

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two streams in a day? Yep its time to pop on overwatch and compliment some peoples plays in hopes we can make some peoples days better! come along to spread some love and join us, links below!

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Friendly reminder that you are worth loving. No matter who you are, no matter what mistakes youve made you still matter in this world. there are people out there that love you, just the way you are. so do your best to be the best you can, alright?

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its time for more pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team dx! hope youll join the continued adventures of team anomaly over on our channel, links below! getting super close to hitting 900 and would appreciate the support!

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Good morning everyone. Just wanna say to remember that your special. The odds of the events transpiring to create you are 1 in 100 million. The human brain can be mean but you are valuable beautiful valid and loved. Dont forget it.

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