

He/Him pronouns.

フォロー数:1215 フォロワー数:979

The connections between major regions (like the legs to the hips to the torso or the upper leg to the lower leg) is still my biggest issue but I'm hoping I can really work on those this month

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This guy felt really disappointing when I was sculpting him and there's a lot I'm not happy with but I kinda wanted him to exist regardless. Here's panda boyfriend. You can't make your best work always :3

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Wow him tongue is so threatening 😱

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Never have I ever spent 4 hours making e-mom. Character is and gosh are they awesome.

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I feel like I need to improve everywhere but these places the most D:

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Another day another boyfri-- I mean model. [I wanted to show his 3/4 from behind or flat rear view but they might be a little too dark sided D: ]

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Small headed deer boy says hello (and also thank you so much You are so nice and kind and incredible ) [Also I kinda like his really small head]

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I wonder if I can make a boyfriend a day through 2020. I wonder if they will ever get hands and non-play-dough fingers.

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So while I'm not at all content with where I am at the moment, I think 2019 has really been a good year for me with my 3D stuff at least. So much more to do but it's certainly better than the nightmare fuel I was a few making months ago.

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