

I want to bring my characters to life and share them with people through drawing and story telling. That way they don't die when I do. (Occasional NSFW)

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Just some art I never felt like posting, might as well unload it here

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Forgot to post this particular Tiefling NPC, my players call her "The Bitch in Red" (She is a Villain after all).

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Ran a session last night and finally got to use some of the art I made for it weeks ago. Including this one armed paladin from the Sorcerer's backstory. Names Alfred

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My buddy was telling me we're supposed to post cute girls on Saturday's. So here is a Tiefling, think I'll call her "Sunny"

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In my Homebrew Setting for The Campaign I'm running my players met a Snail "woman" who tells fortunes by sucking on peoples hands. She is 12ft tall

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A homebrew monster for my players to face, they call him "the sphaghetti man."

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New icon based on a scribble I did once

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Decided to redraw my Tabxi Ranger from a few years back. He was intended for a campaign that is just now started so it seemed weird to leave him as is.

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