

Indigenous Louisiana Creole-Cajun || #TTRPG #ActualPlay Producer & Performer || Queer || Atheist|| #Keratoconus || #PCOS || #Fibromyalgia || Any/All || Cryptid

フォロー数:2460 フォロワー数:1200

Who knew a kobold could get us teleported to places? Join us today for The World of Ashenfell!

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You know, I don't think I need to meet more robots. Joins us today at 11am PST/2pm EST as we return to The World of Ashenfell!

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A silver fox, constructs, and tea what can this all mean? Find out today on The World of Ashenfell.

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After a nice walk in the forest, it's time for some politics. Join us at 11amPST/2pmEST as we return to The World of Ashenfell.

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New companion. Same saving the world above our paygrade kinda stuff. Join us today at 11amPST/2pmESt for The World of Ashenfell!

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We returned to The World of Ashenfell for our season 3 PREMIER! Join us at 11amPST/2pmEST to see what new adventures await!

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The next season of Ashenfell is gearing up for our Thursday premier. Need fill in the time before then? Well our previous season is now up on youtube!

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Will we ever taste the sweet sweet cream of Jorah's icecream? We sure have been walking a lot. What is this, a fantasy film? Join us today at 11amPST/2pmEst for The World of Ashenfell!

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Maybe we can actually get to this lost tale I've been hearing so much about. Join us tonight 5:30PST/8:30EST for our on

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After a trap filled dungeon crawl, we have found the slumbering war criminal! Serious business today during The World of Ashenfell!

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