

🔞 18+ CONTENT, Rarely anymore || 22 || Do not repost my Artwork

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More centaur stuff!
Enjoy some more of Jeff, I slightly updated his normal coat.

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I edited an extra version for his normal self. Someone get this tired man a pillow.

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Some Hairstyle doodles for Jeff because I failed to come up for an Idea for centaur stuff. I personally like the second one the best so far.

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I wanted to do a lil project and today I looked at my PayPal and saw that I‘m too broke for that, so just enjoy my lewd lil crossdressing man as is for the moment.

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They seem a lil sus in my eyes, I dunno though.
I'm not okay.

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Have some Chibi/Cartoon reference sheets for Maria.

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Say hello to my creepypasta OC Maria 🖤 My beautiful praying mantis nun

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My Partner once completely traumatized my character so we had to go back and change it into "It was just a dream!" to make him function again. Fun times!

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