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Loooooook at my new emotes courtesy of @Tubularparu ~ I adore these they’re so FUN!!
Hope to see you all using them in my stream tonight at 8 pm PST!💋
@FangGuu Don’t be scared Faaaaaang~ I just wanted to see yooooou~
@voiamusic I’m so bad at using discord but for you, dear Voia… I will learn
Starting... SOON! @gothzapper and I will join forces to bring you Bartending 101 and catch up with you all! With our current states it will be... something...
I need to get rid of these fish, one jumped out of the tank onto my table and I HAD TO GRAB HIM WITH MY BARE HAAAAAAANDS!! What a day…
Had a VERY rough day and may start a bit late tonight, but STREAM WE SHALL!!!
Oh my goodness… my birthday is coming up next week!! I need to solidify plans… but February 24th save the date and come see me~ ✨it’ll be, um, quite the surprise!!!
haha, well, this gets the job done... Sorry for so little notice but since I'll be very busy the next couple of weeks, I thought I'd like to get another stream in~
The second-hand embarrassment continues...
日本語を練習のために日本人のVtuber見たいです!今、誰か配信しますか?#Vtuber #JPVtuber