

I have voice and it's that of chaos.

Mostly elsewhere nowadays:
Tumblr: @ventaverv

フォロー数:355 フォロワー数:309

With some help from a Fakemon Concept Suggester and the folks in 's stream here is the Psychic/Grass-type glass frog: Croakloak!

It's bones are as fragile as sticks so they use their see-through skin to scare away foes. You can always see their latest meal.

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Yesterday I drew so many things and all of them were meant to be practice sketches.

Now I know how teachers feel with starting activities taking too long.

Magieek, Paper Magieek, Picpocrow & Araiptor

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I've finally got my artistic flow and guess who was snooping around as usual when it happened

I hate that this Hedgehog works so well for sketches.

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Mistral, who is from my last post. One of my two Full-Odds Shiny Pokemon from Alola!

A trickster that's way too brave. Mistral constantly picks fights with and pranks things which are much stronger than them self mostly for fun or over food.

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Some quick fan-art for 's Tilted with their smaller, baller equal: Needle Kirby.

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Elimalia Omikami. A Darmiangel.

Created by Amaterasu to observe the rapid growth in strength that Ventaver once showed.
She has regretted every second of her betrayal to the sun with a secretive smile upon her face while secluded since.

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Bloodstone "Bloody" the Juvenile Maroon Wyvern.

The one who raises both their scorching flames and the spirits of others. The power of extreme Flight & Fireballs turn turn this whelp into a serious warrior!

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A sketch of some Super Mario Power-Ups as characters from Plants Vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
It was mostly just some fun practice of design concepts.

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And while obvious, these are their shinies.

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