

inflation fetish writer

helium advocate

she / her

18+ account no minors

banner by @skullgeist

icon by francisco

フォロー数:573 フォロワー数:1559

Currently thinking over some things thanks to a bingo meme

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Doofenshmirtz is defiantly looking like a type four

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show me your power, consumer of play-doh

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if there is a character who embodies what cashiers feel, I think it's Zero, specifically Mega Man Zero-era Zero.

90% of his dialogue is just "what is the mission" and "I did the mission." Just going through the motions.

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katie doesn't really bother with fashion much, so how would you dress an introvert who enjoys the inside more than the out?

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sigma males will recieve a rude awakening when lumine males start trending and outdo them

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