

Cartoonist,Member SCBWI-Illustrator, Locomotive Engineer, Sunrise and Sunset chaser 📸☀️🌞 #PowderRiverBasin #Coal #WyoBraska #EnergyTwitter #EnergyTransition

フォロー数:1873 フォロワー数:2167

I wouldn’t trade it for a thing🙂📸👍🏻

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They just don’t understand the safety side do they ?😖😖 sadly if the railroads had their way there wouldn’t be anyone on these trains😡, they have made that very clear.

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Number 2...#ProfitsOverPublicSafety
This is one more step by the Class 1’s towards their ultimate goal of “No Person Crews”...not sure ANYONE but the stock holders and execs want that.

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