

Hey i'm Vhyper! Video Gamer & obvious Mega Man/Rockman fan! ^_^ ロックマンの大ファン!私は少し日本語を知っています

フォロー数:5008 フォロワー数:1948

There's plenty of references to him unarmored most of them show him as having shoes of some sort, some keep the proportions of the legs as they are in the game, some don't but even the ending of MM1 he has different colored shoes/feet

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There is already an art book 😉 this is a new novel

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Zakki was a Rockman artist way back, they did some doujins where during the events of Rockman & Forte after getting cut in half they temporarily replaced Blues' body with a spare one of Rolls creating this. Metal Man had a "thing" for her hence the earring

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Ashe from ZXA, Tron Bonne from DASH/Legends, Oro S from XOver, Emilia Right from Ability.. any of those

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A lot of these were different artists for example Kaji did the X3 illustrations, Matt over at Udon did a decent design comparison between all the artists that have drawn X & Zero

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i'll be ptedictable with the ability version of Roll

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I may be slightly predictable.. but Ability Roll?

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The original artwork in the digouter's guide has her colored in Orange as well as some fan made artwork

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Can't remember exactly which one it is I have a better version of that pic as well as this one, i've probably got more somewhere, I'm sure there's another one of them all sat down eating with him full of rice somewhere in color.

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