

cc0 journey @hyperloot_ - BAYC 4928 ❤️AKC 4431 : Creator @ApeKidsClub : daily routine, translating passion into art. - NFT collector.

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I'm Vic and I love to create everything from my imagination and my experience. ^_^ ...start learning to tweet more after knew NFT haha and start to share more and more of my art here...Nice to meet you all.

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Here are some of many I did for upcoming games with : Hope to share art with you more when it release.
You can pre-order here
See you on 8/24/2021..I can't wait for it!!

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One chance...we do our work for you , please stay at home for us.

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From 2012 until 2015I have learned many thing especially learning with Schoolism.I will update personal project soon.

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