Vierdz #BLM @ vierdz.bsky.socialさんのプロフィール画像

Vierdz #BLM @ vierdz.bsky.socialさんのイラストまとめ

Fantasy Artist - Visually Impaired - Born in the 80's - anti-NFT/crypto
Member of @DrawBudCharity

フォロー数:824 フォロワー数:798

i don't bother to move around my drawings on my canvas to avoid cutting off heads/feet

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past month's "stupid hot girl" doodles... 💤

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forgot I'd drawn this in an old drawpile with some friendos, might have him wear a poncho w/o a belt tho

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this is on a new sketchpage that's up on my patreon:

wahoooo! I like the new pokemon.

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patreon sketch for (thanks again for the hot character lol)

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Patreon sketch for Drake! decided to do a couple for funsies

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Character sketch for a patreon supporter! 🐸

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patreon sketch that I got carried away with for :>

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I can post multiple images on twitter now and be certain that they'll all show up in the preview on discord (when discord is working that is lol)

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