Vierdz #BLM @ vierdz.bsky.socialさんのプロフィール画像

Vierdz #BLM @ vierdz.bsky.socialさんのイラストまとめ

Fantasy Artist - Visually Impaired - Born in the 80's - anti-NFT/crypto
Member of @DrawBudCharity

フォロー数:824 フォロワー数:798

I haven't played this game but I keep seeing it everywhere enough to the point where I dream about it like this:

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I'm going to the beach today, I'll be posting a sketch page on Patreon when I'm back. Happy Saturday!

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Posted a WIP on my Patreon yesterday! Sorry I've been quiet here, mostly avoiding twitter because of TV show spoilers. :^)

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I know it's a hover board but.... he can still hover on waves! Hope you all had a great summer.

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