

Freelance Artist and Art Youtuber| email: vigacommissions@gmail (she/her) YT: IG: http:/…

フォロー数:2267 フォロワー数:2740

Mimete would be serving looks on insta with 3000 followers and have a secret fandom tumblr.

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I want to be the top but I can never commit

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Sunday morning pre church specials

2 4

Add Liella to the game PLEASE!

0 3

Pick me girls

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*dumps a lode of pics on your desk*
So, Iz. Where do we start?
1. Torianta. The mary sue totes not me OC in my 5 book handwritten epic "Adventures of Amystica"
2. Starlight V. My sailor moon knock off magical girl.
3. Comicker. A MLP purple pegasus. (pic of 2+3 below)

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