

.tranaf tsop I

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:776

Doodle Doodle

42 145

Now Egg Khun isn’t alone (((:::

6 36

Since I’m talking about Shibisu. I used to have an egg Shibisu pfp and would theme it each time there was a holiday (on Insta)

4 32

I miss coloring like this

21 88

Stress reliever doodle

42 155

Old art from when ToG came back
I redraw Khun so he looks a bit different from the art here

35 167

Crunchyroll when

18 93

Viole: Maybe it can be my pet too. Bam won’t mind me having it in the meantime

(I know I drew the snake wrong ssshhh).

7 20

Bam thinks Khun’s hair is soft

38 165

I gave up on trying to fix it

8 51