

🌈Programador Front-end, fazendo jogos por hobby e tentando desenhar de vez em quando

フォロー数:350 フォロワー数:290

Piper vs Edgar! Distance is the key to victory!
💁🏼‍♀️☂️ 🙍🏻🧣

13 67

⚠️☠️ Warning! lethal poison!☠️⚠️
Desert Rose 🏜️🐍

4 44

Did you feel the air go cold all of a sudden? Booooo!
Of course it's the haunted Edgar! 👻 👻 👻

12 126

RuBull's Drag Race! 💋
(this is just a joke. do not be rude)

17 220

What was the longest the seconds of your life?
who plays knows very well what they are

6 94