

FanPro aficionado and Ex-Rivals Workshop modder! Getting ready to make some weird-ass games! She/They!…

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:279

Stophany, Jenna & June, and the prolific Zero have joined Super Smash Land in Rivals Workshop!! Go have fun with em, ya goobers!!

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How I greet the Black Hole at the Center of our Galaxy! 😊

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As was just announced in 3Prints, joining the Super Smash Land game mode in Rivals Workshop later this month are Stophany and Jenna & June, in their classic FanPro designs - 0036 & 0049! Stay tuned for more info dropping soon!

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If Ms. Maribel used social media, I imagine she'd use this as her pic! She found a neat crab on Bucket Beach...!

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Here's their full art by itself!

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Have I ever mentioned that Jenna & June are aerobics instructors? June in particular was always very inspired by those old video tapes...!

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Who better to represent this Super Mario Bros. 2 medley than the two goons who just got updated today! Masks sure are fashionable in Subcon, eh?

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Hmm, so this is that "Gregory" fellow everyone's been talking about lately, eh...?

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