
#BLM | Goblin/Undead Enthusiast. | She/Her
30+ RPer
Minors DNI
Pfp by @okayheyoallfia

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:630
# ffxiv

Ashlynh is a former squire who died in Lordaeron and became a Forsaken. But touching a cursed sword had her possessed in the time between classic through BFA. Currently she travels the world with her bat "Gloomwing" hoping to learn what the ghost did when she lost control.

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Loh'za is a cowardly woman who used to blame the undead for EVERYTHING that went wrong in her life. But she got over it when a forsaken introduced her to her current path as a shaman of a Loa of fortune and luck.

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Vixiee Bootsguard is a former model, magazine owner, cartel leader, and current stay-at-home mom. She's a survivor of Kezan who had to learn the hard way that compromising on your ideals always leads to heartbreak. Currently a 1-5 record in boxing.

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Fiona Tarwood is a Kul-Tiran forsaken who died early in the 4th war and was brought back by dumb luck and a bit of beyond the grave sorcery by her mother. She's currently a merchant mariner exploring the high seas looking for new markets, new adventures, and new thrills!

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Happy Summer to you, from Fiona!

Art as always by @/LilacGhea

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Playing DnD and decided to try drawing my monk. A quick fast doodle.

I need to figure out better brushes for colors but here we go.

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I have some awesome OCs. I'd say these four are easily my favorites right now.

Art by @/okayheyoallfia @/DinoDraws and @/Astaryss respectively

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I sincerely miss Sapphois and Loh'za. Sapphois was an anti-hero from the start as a spy for the Dusk Lily.

Loh'za on the other hand was an absolute coward who found courage through her Loa.

Neither OC had very great luck.
Art by: @/Fiery_Lara

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So I recently started the scholisticate quests and this is REALLY interesting...and eerily topical material. I'm so happy I'm slow rolling the story.

Feel like a plot archaeologist and that's nice.

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This lady is Sewufi. I played her after PR-404 retired. She was built like Heavy Weapons Guy but acted like Team Fortress 2's spy. Sexy, sly, and stabby. I didn't get to play her for long so I don't have many stories.
Art by @/LilacGhea

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