
#BLM | Goblin/Undead Enthusiast. | She/Her
30+ RPer
Minors DNI
Pfp by @okayheyoallfia

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:630

I offer Ukina, my shy and reserved Ironworks engineer.

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Good night! And sweet dreams when you get to bed.

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Ahoy Friends!

It's Tuesday once again and a holiday weekend for us Americans. So, let's stick in theme.

What would your OC bring to a Potluck dinner. Show pictures if you want to be evil and make me hungry while I work.

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Also, before I hop off to get some work done.

I got the contract! So, I'm officially a contracted indie video game writer! Ya girl's movin' on up!

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I just got this wonderful surprise by @/LilacGhea. You are absolutely wonderful. This made my day.

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It's been a lovely birthday everyone. And it's not over yet. Going to knock out some fun projects tomorrow, got a couple meal kits coming in so about to have fun cooking, and you have made today special.

Thank you and good night!

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More memes. A fun birthday gift from @/BulArtww . Thanks for being awesome as always.

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Sleep wel friends!

I'm going to call it and get ready for my Birthday weekend.

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Thank you for the opportunity. Think I"ll offer up my Pirate gal. Also let's tag and

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Good day and Happy Halloween friends!

Today I want to know something.

Can your OC cook? And if so, could I come and visit?

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