#colour_collective Sending in 'Be Unique' dedicated to all the FABLY unique artists of the CC - Happy Friday! :-)!
#colour_collective At ranch wedding for friend in TX met 'Sam from Nottingham' ;-)! Happy Friday All!
#colour_collective #kidlitart Sending 'Sara's Dress Up Day' - Happy Friday All !! :-)!
#animalalphabets A very quick 'Hippocampus & Friend' didn't want to miss another week! Happy Monday All!
#AnimalAlphabets E for E-boar (Purple Rain was playing in background of cafe this morning as I was sketching)
#pinchpunchpost I missed the April 1 post :-(! Sending in pic from my 'Dexter: The UnPolar Bear' - Happy April :-)!
#colour_collective @Clr_Collective Late :-(! Sending in 'Night Ride in the Park' Happy Weekend All!!
#3yroldscribble #42 I have been in a scribble slump - finally saw something in #42 !! :-)!