

- Artista y Animador 2D de Perusalem 🇵🇪🦙 - Webcomic Artist - Partidario N°1 de comer Cuy…

フォロー数:630 フォロワー数:304

I know it won't happen but a man can dream :,)

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This is my character :,)

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Hi everyone, my name is Gabriel and I'm a artist and future animator (so close to graduation)
Here are some of my recen works :3

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Honest question, what do you think of this drawing of mine? I would love to know if your honest opinion :,)

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English speaker here, please for the love of God fix this before this game prevents people for having fun

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You really have the guts to do this...

Like I don't even have words for this, this game will die soon and when that happens, you will blame it on us, that we didn't have the interest to play when the reality is that you guys killed the game and forcing us to stop playing

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If this doesn't show how much they screwed up with this event, then I don't know what will

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Bruh some of us are hated by god

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This is the last fucking straw
Not only you keep ruining the game for old players but also ruined an old event with fucking coins and for last giving a 3* ticket from a 5* unit
I love this game but this is beyond stupid
This will just kill the game for everyone

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