

Artist. No longer doing my stuffs for clout anymore. Just pure fun. RTing mostly to support frens' works. Minors shoo.

フォロー数:218 フォロワー数:326

Rkgk, part of PMC AU shenanigans

Before any pl0n nerds point out, it's an AU version of the Weilong. Lol

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Love the F-15J in PATLABOR 2. Borrowed its basic design and aesthetic for my AU's "F-15J+ Eagle Kai"

Yet to illustrate it for my PMC AU since Praesidia PMC also operates this Eagle. [Japan opening up arms export be like, which is now irl not far fetched afaik]

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Some more Aero skins I've done

Realized I haven't do any skin makings for a week. Oh well.

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POV: The Hind crash site/sky suddenly speaks АТАКУЕТ, ОГОНЬЕ РЕБЯТАААААА

Colored sket: Ultranationalist Russian paratroopers from Blackhawk Rescue Mission 2.

Primary defenders of Ultranationalists' dark secret in the island. (Continuation in comment)

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Honestly speaking, didn't know there's people who thought such like the first sentence.

My two "main OCs" :]

Elena McNichol "Elle" and Mjr. (formerly, Prae AU wise) Nestor Leskov "Panther"

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Dayum, I woke up to see influx of followers.. Thanks for stopping by. :D

Since I haven't introduced myself to the new ones;
Alyo, I'm Gir. Just a dude who draws stuff, occasionally obsessed with his tall xeno muscy momma OC, and currently a skin maker for a roblok flight sim.

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Shamelessly reposting a piece.

ELLEgant Elle.

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Suddenly remembered 2019-2020, when I was an active Metal slug style spriter. Fun times.

The Kuznetsov carrier BG and T-90A sprite that was built from ground up remains as my personal favorites.

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Dunno what to post aside arts in this account, really.

Back to lurking in Discord, I guess.

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