

32 - Medic, Artist, Alaskan, Bird Nerd, Gamer & small business artist!

フォロー数:4897 フォロワー数:317

Oh u kno... @-@ I've been stuck in an art rut too so hopefully a nice camping de-stress will help!

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! Thanks for the chance 😅

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Ps I really love the music in your streams 😅 thanks for the chance though!

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I've got this guy if he tickles your fancy!

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I love the amount of expression in your headshots :D

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Thanks for the chance!

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👀👀 I love your stuffs so thanks for the shot!

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I bought the most incredibly adorable adopt ever from . Just look at this face. Little mush koi boiiii. I think I will draw him a bunch. I don't upload a bunch of art but maybe he was destined to change all that.

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