

26. Man of questionable origins and media consoomer. SFW/NSFW 🔞

フォロー数:3922 フォロワー数:858

Eventually Akane and her dad start yelling so loud, Akane mom screams at both of them to quiet down lol.

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Akane's dad tells her that as an idol she will have face many challenges and obstacles along the road. But says Akane has the power overcome anything she'll face! He will always be on Akane's side!

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After dinner, both Akane and her dad spend time drinking tea together. They both say a cheers for Akane's success as an idol!

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"Because after all, life is always a challenge! A challenge! Again, it's a challenge! It's a series of challenges!"

"Ah... Right, yes. Even if I'm against it, you should do it. But, don't overwork yourself. Alright?"

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At first, Akane's mom is a bit skeptical about Akane meeting Producer. But comes around to support Akane's choice!
"Well then, this all sounds pretty good! If this is what Akane's heart has decided, then do what you can to become number one!"

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While she is eating her second plate of curry, Akane tells her parents that one of the people she met while running was Producer.

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After Akane's dad tells her that she must of met a lot of people while jogging, Akane tells her parents she's become an idol, and one that is aiming for the top!

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A cool thing that Akane's dad brings up is that he used to run a lot also when he was younger. He would run around the bank in front of his house, from morning till night! It's nice to know where Akane gets her running trait from.

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Akane's mom asks her what kind of club activities she did for today. Akane replies that she was off for club activities and decided instead to run around the seaside road!

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"Yeah! Rugby is fun no matter how long you watch it for, but I find it the most fun when I get to experience the whole match!"

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