ʚ Wonder Egg Hcs ɞさんのプロフィール画像

ʚ Wonder Egg Hcs ɞさんのイラストまとめ

Hcs via dm e curiouscat

Adm 1 - 🍬


フォロー数:209 フォロワー数:490

Momoe and Neiru go on dates where they go to cute little tea shops together !!

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Momoe se assumiu trans para as garotas na casa de Ai comendo bolo, ela ficou tão nervosa o tempo todo, recusando-se a fazer contato visual e pensando que talvez ela devesse simplesmente não ter dito nada, mas então Ai lhe dá um abraço e ela relaxa. Rika também a abraça !!

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Momoe comes out as trans to the girls at Ai’s house over roll cake and she’s so nervous the whole time, refusing to make eye contact and worrying that maybe she should have just not said anything but then Ai gives her a hug and she relaxes. Rika hugs her too !!

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Momoe is bisexual with no preference !!

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Momoe é bissexual sem preferência !!

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Rika tem kin na ibuki !!

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Momoe recommended Harry Potter to Neiru who at first thought it was something for children but then started to read !!

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Momoe recomendou Harry Potter pra Neiru que de início achava que era coisa pra criança mas depois passou a ler !!

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