

The freeform station of the nation! Independent, creative, rocking radio. Tweeter behind the curtain: @dmandl. Submit music via

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Monuments: The Earth Expedition of Sun Ra, an exhibit at the Portland (OR) Art Museum, “feels less like a Sun Ra retrospective and more like a living shrine or sanctuary.”

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A very, very, VERY detailed story about the Bing Crosby’s involvement in the introduction of recordable magnetic tape, which revolutionized radio entertainment, studio facilities, audio recording, and eventually TV and video recording.

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Liz Phair and Bratmobile's Allison Wolfe Talk Mansplainers, Media, And Music:

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Call it the devil’s interval, the devil’s triad. or diablous in musica (or a tritone, but that's not very scary-sounding): A key element of spooky music over the years.

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How a WFMU t-shirt design became the mascot of a programming language: (h/t )

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This week on WFMU: The True Loves on Surface Noise (this morning!), Deaf Wish on Spin Age Blasters, music from Burt Reynolds films and TV shows on Morricone Island, ape language researcher Aya Katz on In Real Life. Details and all our upcoming specials at

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"Feeding Tube is on a relentless mission to uncover the strangest and most outré slices of the underground, often mixing those sorts of releases in with experimental guitar folk, free jazz and sometimes even thundering garage punk stuff"

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WFMU o’Day: WOTZIT Fish 7" (Killer Boy) angular aggro-postpunk-leanings out of The Land of the Rising Sun:

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