

The freeform station of the nation! Independent, creative, rocking radio. Tweeter behind the curtain: @dmandl. Submit music via

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The Astor Place Opera House Riot of 1849 combined two of 19th-century America’s favorite pastimes: going to the theater and rioting:

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An online TV station for the strange, insightful, and psychedelic: Cathode TV will feature experimental shorts, bizarre television feeds, and special themed programs.

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Six of the best dance music documentaries to watch on Netflix:

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5 music inventions that rocked the ’80s—and every decade after:

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Guests ‘n’ specials this week on WFMU: The Wild Irish Roses; Okkoto; I Love You/I Hate You Valentine’s Special; The Bongos; Sonopresse Special; Valentine’s Day special with Habibi; found sound collector Jacob Smigel; and Robbie Robertson! Details/times:

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“I’ve been listening to jazz my whole adult life, or more. But I generally do not raise the subject with anyone unless I know they are also into it, as though it was a sexual kink or a fringe religion.” Don’t leave jazz to the jazz guys:

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“The tunnel’s ready-made shorthand for futurism provided an eye-catching backdrop for photography, and was especially popular with musicians for promo shots.”
Radiant Future: The Neon Tunnel at 127 John Street:
(h/t: )

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The free online mix is a staple of electronic music culture, but "the Wild West days of online DJ mixes are numbered."

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Phill Niblock reflects on Experimental Intermedia and his loft performances:

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The author of the new 33 1/3 book on Wendy Carlos's Switched-On Bach says Carlos was and remains a "foundational presence" to electronic music—and that the brief public acknowledgements she often garners today fall far short of the full story.

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